(570) 343-1010

Set your goals higher with Factory Automation

Making a commitment to making your factory a fully automatic facility can create a level of “predictability” to your production line. Helping overall manufacturing costs while creating a safer working environment.

Quality Delivered, Consistency Delivered, Peace of Mind Delivered

Obtainable Automation.
Areas of Automation; pneumatic, hydraulic systems, and robotics. Each has its unique advantages with some being more expensive than others, some need specialized operators others are affordable and can start using today.

Production Based Success
Is the future growth of your business related to the number of products you can produce? Achieve higher production by a partial to full automation upgrade with Packaging Insights.
Adding automation to your manufacturing can make a big impact on your business. We help you weigh the pros and cons, and to advise on steps and solutions to complete or partial automation.

Work you can stand behind.
When your production requires the highest degree of accuracy.
Out of all the benefits of an automated factory, predictability has to be at the top of that list. With the ability to predict the exact level of quality and meeting your production quota, you may need to set higher goals.

Monotonous no more
Replacing physically demanding work with machines that never tire, free up your workers to perform the higher-level tasks. Like; the development, deployment, maintenance, and running of the automated processes. Helping boost morale while showing their value to the company.
At the same time, replacing monotonous tasks with machines that have better stamina to deliver higher quality output.

Let the robots do the heavy lifting
Like the “Legend of John Henry” taught us, a man can’t compete with machines. Unless he is willing to die trying. Let’s face it, robots have the strength, speed, and stamina to do what man can not.

Rethink your process by removing workarounds and adding factory automation tools that create a more direct path to the production’s finish line. A task that is beyond human capabilities regarding size, weight, speed, and endurance.

Lean on the Robot, Contact Us today

Packaging Systems

Factory automation

Material handling

On Demand Packaging


with Packaging Insights